Ep. 203: Dr. Natasha N. Johnson on Creating a Space for Herself and Her Family in Her Doctoral Journey
EdD in Educational Leadership Georgia State UniversityDr. Natasha N. Johnson
Finding the time to ‘do it all’ can feel impossible because, well, it is. Joining us today on The Cohort Sistas Podcast is Dr. Natasha N. Johnson to tell us all about how she juggles (and sometimes doesn’t juggle) being an educator, writer, and wife! Tuning in, you’ll hear all about her background, how she became an educator and studied further, the movie-like story of how she met her husband, and her adventures in Jamaica. We discuss her and her husband's co-published works before Natasha delves into how she makes time to publish work. We even discuss how they make time for bonding in their personal relationship away from work. Finally, Natasha leaves us with some beautiful advice about realistic expectations and seeking help. You don’t want to miss this episode!
Connect with Dr. Johnson on twitter @NNJohnsonEdD.
Key Points From This Episode:
• Introducing today’s guest, Dr. Natasha N. Johnson.
• A brief overview of Natasha’s background and how she got into education.
• What motivated Natasha to move into higher education and pursue a doctorate.
• Natasha tells us how she met her husband on a cruise and their education together.
• Why Natasha felt that she had to leave Jamaica and move back to the US.
• Natasha tells us why she and her husband chose Georgia State University.
• How academic and professional paths merge and when she and her husband co-published.
• How Natasha prioritizes her publishing projects and how she finds the time to do so.
• She tells us how she and her husband spend non-work-related time in their relationship
• Natasha leaves us with a piece of advice for Black women starting their careers.
The Cohort Sistas Podcast brings to life the stories, struggles, and successes of Black women with doctoral degrees and their lives beyond the degree. If you are a Black woman interested in joining the Cohort Sistas community, sign up to do so here, and if you are looking for more information on how to support or partner with Cohort Sistas, please visit our partnerships page. Find us on Twitter and Instagram, and don’t forget to follow The Cohort Sistas Podcast, rate the show, and leave us a quick review.